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A new venture

Hi all, have recently been asked to do portrait shoots for 1st birthdays and cake smash photo’s for friends. Have included some of shots in Misc section. Constructive critique would be welcome. Anyone in Greater Manchester and Stockport area of UK interested in having a photo session, contact me for further details.DSC_3898webDSC_1547webDSC_5101webDSC_1937web


Hi all, just to let you know that the landmarks section has been updated and rest of pages will be done over coming weeks. Hope you like the pics. Constructive criticism welcome.

Happy New Year

Happy New Year

Happy New Year to all visitors to this site. Thank you for taking the time to view the pictures I enjoy taking. Please feel free to comment or suggest subjects to photograph. Over the next month I will be updating the pics on here, so look out for some new editions. Andy Robinson 🙂

Nearly There

Thank you for your patience while I update my site. I have deleted some files and added new. These are only a small proportion of my portfolio. If you want to see more of my work please have a look at my Flickr photostream on Where you will find a wide variety of shots, which can be bought through this web site by just dropping me a mail with the photo name in Flickr.

Work in Progress

Today I have started to update this site. It is long overdue, and I have plenty of new work to show you. This will be an ongoing process over the next week or so. Please bare with me during this period and continue to enjoy the site.



Thank you

Thank you to all of you that have viewed and used this site to date. Your support is much appreciated. I would appreciate any comments you may have about the content or style of the site and any suggestions for types of photo you would like to see on here. I hope you continue to enjoy my work and look forward to your comments / suggestions. Andy

Sorry for no updates

Apologies to all visitors to this site for no recent updates. Am looking to update pictures etc on site over next few weeks, so keep your eyes open for changes. Lots of interesting new locations and subjects for you to feast your eyes on.


Great weekend

Been out and about with camera this weekend, taking shots of ruins and birds of prey amongst other things. Pics will be on site soon.Basingwerk Abbey
Hoping for good weather this week so can get some more shots for your enjoyment.

New pics for your enjoyment

Today we have updated the Abstract, Architecture and Flowers pages, with shots of Apples, London Buildings such as the Shard, Tower Bridge and The Tower of London. Along with a selection of floral shots. Over the next couple of days the rest of the pages will be updated with lot of new shots.

We’re getting there!

Due to a few technical issues we apologise for the slow update of the site. We are hoping to have this resolved by the end of the week, when there will be new, abstract, landscape, architectural, birds, animals and pics of lots more subjects. Thank you for your patience. I can assure you it will be worth the wait. Any queries meantime please contact us.


Andy Robinson